Redmond, Washington, United States
14 hours ago
Research Intern - RiSE group: Formal Methods, High-Performance Computing, Programming Languages, Software Engineering,

Research Internships at Microsoft provide a dynamic environment for research careers with a network of world-class research labs led by globally-recognized scientists and engineers, who pursue innovation in a range of scientific and technical disciplines to help solve complex challenges in diverse fields, including computing, healthcare, economics, and the environment.

The RiSE group seeks Research Interns with a demonstrated desire to extend the state-of-the-art of research in the broad fields of formal methods, high-performance computing, programming languages, and software engineering. Research Interns will work in a collaborative environment with mentors and other Research Interns on a variety of research projects ranging from exploratory curiosity-driven projects to advanced projects with direct industrial and/or societal impact. You can find more information about the research, people, publications, and projects of the RiSE group at Research in Software Engineering (RiSE) - Microsoft Research

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